[Agtre Salon EP.01]: Introducing Agtre Salon
アグトレサロン実行部 (S.I.G.)Share
Welcome to Agtre Salon.
This is a place where returned agricultural trainees gather to discuss their findings, changes, and rediscoveries after returning to their home countries, and move toward their next goal.
Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, USA, and Australia.
Each country has its own experience and learning. A place to look at the present and future of those who have learned a lot precisely because their languages, cultures, and ways of life are different.
"Agtre Salon -A Place for Ex-Agricultural Trainees-"
It will open at 17:00 on Tuesday, May 18th.
The talk show of returning agricultural trainees OB/OG, online distribution "Agtre Salon -A Place for Ex-Agricultural Trainees- " will be distributed live on the following schedule.
- Organizer: Volunteer returning overseas agricultural trainees
- Date: May 18, 2021 (Tuesday) 17:00 - 19:00
- Location: Public live distribution on YouTube channel
- Participation in distribution: Returned overseas agricultural trainee volunteers
- Participation: Public viewing, anyone can participate in chat.
In this live distribution event, the online salon participants will talk on the following themes with the aim of exchanging ideas on what they feel after completing the overseas agricultural training, what they are doing now, and ideas for overseas agricultural training.
Each theme will be aggregated online so that viewers can participate, and we plan to introduce it during the live broadcast on the day!
tell me! A local favorite!
What did you notice about yourself and your surroundings before leaving for the training and after returning to Japan?
what i'm thinking right now.
What do you want to pass on to future generations?
In the program, we hope that you will share what you have noticed after returning to your home country, the changes you have made, the issues you have found, and your goals for the future.
Please come and have a listen!